Rabu, 13 November 2013

Baby Growth Problems

Baby Growth Problems

Infant development anywhere in the world will follow the same pattern . Having mastered one stage milestones , babies learn to master the next stage . Unfortunately there is a baby growing slower than the applicable milestone . However , it does not need to worry about .
Here are the signs that you should be aware :
Irregular sleep patterns . In the first months , babies sleep 13-16 hours a day , but in an irregular pattern . When the age of 4-6 months , the baby should be developing a regular sleep pattern and can sleep through the night . However , infants with developmental problems do not have a regular sleep pattern . Baby sleep time was inconsistent and he could not fall asleep alone . Monitor your baby to sleep is always to find out whether the baby disorders such as sleep apnea ( breathing stops ) . This sleep disorder can affect the quality of sleep . Lack of sleep creates a chain reaction to his behavior during the day , such as child fussy or overly active .
Irregular eating patterns . Sufficient and healthy food for the first year is important because a lot of the growth and development of infants in the first year of his life . Suggested eating babies according to their needs , whenever he is hungry do not need to be scheduled . Baby definitely forming diet alone . Along he grew , his diet grew as well . Intervals between meals farther away and the baby will eat with gusto . Babies who eat well in 2 weeks will get his weight ( BB ) again the same as when he was born . Because the baby is usually reduced BB after birth . BB normal baby will grow approximately 1-1.5 ounces per day .
Almost always crying . Baby crying is a form of communication to the parents . This is normally done by an infant when he was hungry , sleepy , need attention , uncomfortable , wet diaper and others. Usually so needs are met , the baby would stop crying . Indeed, there are times when you know the cause of the trouble she cried . But babies who had problems in its growth is almost always crying . Baby face calmly helps you to recognize their needs .
Almost always cranky . Usually fussy baby at the age of 2-3 weeks with a peak age of 6 weeks . Fussy will disappear in the age of 3-4 months . Usually lasts 2-4 hours a day . Cranky normal , generally occur at the same time each day with the same intensity . Babies also respond the same way when tranquilized , like being held or rocked. However , the way only lasts a few days so you need a different way to calm him down . Infants who had developmental problems almost always get annoyed . If started to fuss , he's inconsolable . Beware if this happens when it's over 4 months of age , babies can be a physical injury such as a sprain or fracture , or sick babies .
Rarely voiced . Babies begin to sound " ooh " or " aah " about the age of 2-3 months . When the age of 4-6 months babies start babbling ( babling ) issued the " da - da " or " ma - ma . " He seemed to respond when you laugh or tickle . You have to be vigilant when children age 6 months is not a sound or stop rambling . Take the child to a doctor to discuss the possibility of the baby having a language delay or have a hearing problem .
Not interested in toys . When the age of 2-4 months , babies begin to be interested in the objects around it . Unfortunately the baby was still short concentration span . When you give toys , baby play just a minute later he had forgotten . Although only briefly , but when offered the child shows interest in toys . You also do not need to worry if your child prefers not play any other object such as a spoon or a glass toy . Infants aged 5-6 months was able to sit down and reach the objects around him . You should be wary if the baby is not interested in new items that you give him.
Not staring eyes . Approximately 6-8 weeks of age , babies begin eye contact for the first time . This event shows the growing baby's brain and development of communication skills . If the baby is staring at you , but do not focus look , maybe just a little too late development . However , if up to age more than 3 months and not make eye contact , you should take the baby to the doctor to find out if the baby has an eye problem or just find other problems .